


We provide safe & nurturing therapeutic services that are culturally & contextually aware, anti-oppressive, and focus on healing the whole person: emotionally, relationally, spiritually, & somatically. We may be a good fit for you if:

  • You want to explore different aspects of your identity and better understand how you relate to yourself and others

  • You are ready to explore a past trauma

  • You are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression

  • You are hoping to improve your relationships

  • You want to process the intersection of your physical & spiritual health practices with your mental health

  • You need support through a season of transition


Romantic and familial relationships hit bumps for all kinds of reasons; therapy can be a support. Consider reaching out if your relationship is feeling stuck in reccurring patterns and you want to better understand and intervene to change these cycles.

Child / Adolescent

In close collaboration with the child’s caretakers and any other service providers, we work to provide a safe & child-centered environment while promoting the child / caretaker attachment.